Change Log

Build 2024.16.0

Released December 3, 2024

Hand holding megaphone and text What's new

PantryEasy Admin Portal

Add Client Enhancements

The Clients list screen has an “Add Client” button that takes the user to the Add Client screen. The Add Client screen now has the ability to add all the same fields as the Edit Client screen.  This screen will also automatically add a member record for the Head of Household, based on the information entered.



Distribution Type added to the Demographics Report

The Orders by Demographics report had many grids that roll up # Households and # Orders by different demographics fields. A new option as been added to this report to summarize the number of orders by Distribution Type (Pickup vs Delivery).

“Needs Follow-up?” fixes

The Client list screen has a “Needs Follow-up?” checkbox in the filters section.  When this box is checked, the grid was not refreshing to only show clients that have had the “Needs Follow-up” box checked on the Edit Client screen.  This filter has been fixed.

PantryEasy Shopping Site

File Upload Validation

The shopping site allows shoppers to upload document files in the Registration Form screens and in the Profile screen.  The file upload inputs have a note stating that only these types of files are allowed to be uploaded: PNG, JPG, GIF, HEIC, PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, CSV, TXT.  However, clients could still upload other types of files if they did not follow the instructions.  Extra validation has been added to the file upload to make sure the file name has one of the supported types of files.

New Registration Form option

The Registration Form was designed with the final page containing the Terms and Conditions for shoppers when they shop on the site.  Because the terms and conditions were on the last page of the form, pantries were required to have at least two pages in the form.  This design has been changed to allow the terms and conditions to be put on the first page of the form, in order to give pantries the option to only have a one page registration form.

Limiting Restricted Locations on the Distributions screen

Service locations in PantryEasy can either be public and open to any shopper, or restricted to only shoppers that have been assigned to the location. When a shopper is on the Select Location/Distribution screen in the shopping site, they will only see distributions they are allowed to select at the top of the screen. If there are restricted locations that the shopper is not allowed to select, that location’s distributions will be listed at the bottom of the screen, in the “Closed Distributions” section.

When we first designed this screen, we decided to show those restricted locations to shoppers on purpose. We thought this would bring awareness to shoppers that there are other possible locations so they could ask the pantry about them. Based on the feedback we have received from the food pantries/banks is that there are no benefits to showing locations a shopper can never select. Those locations cause the shoppers to be confused. So the shoppers contact the pantry, which wastes the pantry’s time.  Now no restricted locations will be displayed on the shopping site unless the shopper belongs to a restricted location.  Shoppers will not see restricted locations they do not belong to.

Email Validation

The registration form on the shopping site has inputs for Email and Phone on the first screen. There is currently no validation on the email address. Shoppers could enter only letters for the email address during a registration and the form submitted with no issue. Since that email address is not valid, they would not able to receive their invitation email to that address.  PantryEasy’s standard email address input validation to the Email field in the registration form. At a minimum, it should check for an @ symbol, a period and other characters.

Adjust quantity limits based on available inventory

When the shopping page displays products to a shopper, it respects the quantity limits set by the pantry admin. For example, if an admin specifies that a shopper can only select 10 Vegetables per order, the Vegetables product will show a label with “Limit: 10”. The quantity dropdown list will also only show items 1-10 for the user to select.

If the Available Quantity for Vegetables is only 5, the shopping page will show the shopper that they can order up to 10, but they can really only order up to 5.  When the shopping page displays products, add a check to see if the Available Quantity is less than the Limit. IF the Available Quantity is less than the Limit, change the Limit label and the Quantity dropdown list to use the Available Quantity as the limit instead of the Limit.

Validation on Email and SMS Reminders

On the shopping site, shoppers are given the chance to update their settings for receiving automated order reminders on the Order Review screen. The “I’d like to receive Text Message Reminders” and “I’d like to Receive Email Reminders” checkboxes are displayed every time they place an order. The checkboxes will automatically be checked if the shopper had checked them on a previous order. They will not be checked if the shopper never opted in or turned off the reminder.

If a shopper decides they want to opt into SMS and/or Email reminders, it is possible that they check a box and their account is missing an email address or phone number. There is currently no validation of those 2 fields on the Review screen.  Validation was added so the shopper knows they won’t actually receive the requested reminder unless they have a valid email address and/or phone number.