Change Log

Build 2024.16.1

Released December 11, 2024

Hand holding megaphone and text What's new

PantryEasy Shopping Site

Shopping at Multiple Food Banks/Pantries

The New Client Registration form on the PantryEasy shopping site prevents duplicate client records by checking to see if an existing client already exists for the given email, phone number, etc.  As more food banks and pantries have created online markets in PantryEasy, this has caused an issue for people who shop at more than one food bank/pantry.  When a client registered for Pantry A first, then attempted to register at Pantry B, they would not be allowed to complete the second registration.

The registration form has been updated to allow clients to register at multiple food banks/pantries with the same email address or phone number.  When the client registers for the second pantry, they will be prompted to create a separate and unique Username for the second pantry.  

Note: Clients will still not be allowed to register more than one time at the same food bank/pantry.

Distributions with too many orders

There have been reports of some distributions allowing one extra order over the Maximum Orders setting for the distribution.  This issue has been resolved for any order that are placed after December 11, 2024.