Change Log

Build 2025.01.0

Released January 2, 2025

Hand holding megaphone and text What's new

PantryEasy Admin Portal

Active Icons in Grids

Many of the grids in the Admin Portal have a red or green checkbox icon for Active status of the given record.  Users can now click on these icons to change the Active status of the record without having to edit the entire record.  

Grids on each of these screens were updated:


  • Products

  • Inventory

  • Categories

  • SubCategories

  • Dietary Info

  • Menus

  • Pick Lists


PantryEasy Shopping Site

Recovering a Username

The Sign In screen on the shopping site has a “Retrieve your password” link under the password box.  Shoppers can use this link to reset their password when they forget their existing password.  If shoppers also forget their username, they can now retrieve that as well.  There is a “Forgot your username?” link on the Retrieve Password screen that will go to the Lost Sign In Info screen.

If the shopper has trouble entering the correct information to recover their username, they can click the “I need more help” button. This button will show a form for them to enter their email or phone number, along with a comment.  That comment will be emailed to the Food Bank/Pantry’s contact email address.