Communication Templates can now be created for multiple languages. Admin users can override a template multiple times to create a version of the template for any language commonly used by clients that shop in PantryEasy.
For example, if a Spanish version of the Account Eligible template is created, then any client that has Spanish set as their primary language will receive that version of the email/SMS when their status is changed to Eligible. If a household is missing a primary language, or no template if found for a client’s language, then they will be sent the English version.
PantryEasy Shopping Site
Profile screen paging
A client’s household information used to be at the bottom of the Profile screen, below the client’s past orders. If a client had big orders in the, they would have to do a lot of scrolling to get down to their profile information. The Profile screen has been split into two tabs/pages. The first page will only show the household information. The second page will show the past orders. There is a new side menu that lets the client view each page.