Build 2025.03.0
Released March 5, 2025
Inventory Management at Multiple Locations
These screens were modified to support tracking inventory at multiple locations:
New Filtering capabilities
Additional filters were added to the Products and Locations screens. These filters help find products and locations by multiple types of statuses and dietary information.
Edit Distribution Schedule fixes
An investigation of a UI ticket led to the discovery that when the Distribution Setup (DistributionScheduleDefinition) record is inactivated, the logic will also delete all distribution (DistributionSchedule) records that were created based on the DistributionScheduleDefinition record. If clients have already started placing orders on the linked distributions, this will cause a Foreign Key error. The delete function has been improved so that it no longer throws an error.
A second issue was discovered where turned off the Active flag on a distribution schedule would not actually deactivate the schedule. This was also fixed.
Distribution Start Time fix
The Order Confirmation and Order Cancellation emails both show the date and time of a the distribution. If a Location has distributions on multiple days of the week, sometimes the incorrect time of day was displayed in these emails.
Client Registration Form enhancement
Some pantries use a single computer to help multiple clients register on their shopping site. This can happen when registering clients in the pantry or at a neighborhood site where multiple clients are located. They let a client enter their information into the registration form and submit the form. Then they log that user out and go back to the Client Registration screen to start registering the next client.
The client registration form does not clear data from the fields when a registration is complete. So the next user sees personal registration info about the first user. Then they have to delete that info and enter their own info. The registration form will now clear all data automatically after the form is submitted